My daughter has a 7yo and a 5yo, with one last one on the way. I’m pretty excited to welcome a new baby. At least the two older ones are still into stuffies, even if their last choices were a skunk and a black widow spider. 😂

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I wouldn't get too excited about being "kid free" once they turn 18...not the way the economy is currently heading. My last two (twin daughters) are 20 and still at home working and going to university full time. It's not so bad though. They mostly clean up after themselves and pay their own bills and buy their own food. Still, enjoy those kidlet years while they last. I'm still shocked at how quickly it went by...especially the High School years.

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Respectfully disagree about Ted Lasso. I will say no more that subject.

My kids range in age from 24 (my oldest) to 15 (my youngest), with two in between. I have loved watching every minute of them growing up, but I must admit, I am more than a bit sad that my days are no longer filled with trips to/from the soccer fields, etc., etc. At the time, I bemoaned the lack of free time; now I wish that those days were still here.

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Let me assure you, being a grandparent has been the best for me.

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